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Join Voxibly!
Ever thought of singing in a choir, but realized it was too old fashioned or abandoned the idea because you can't read sheet music?
Or perhaps you're already a choir leader or singing in a traditional choir but feel the need for something new?
You've come to the right place!
Voxibly is a new pop choir concept for all ages where no note skills or prior choir experiences are needed.
If you enjoy singing, this is for you.
Find a local Voxibly choir
and start to sing.
On a regular basis the members of your choir will meet and have a fun time together, singing popular pop covers with professional background music and
harmonies which we produce for you.
Your local choir leader will choose the right harmonies for you based on
your vocal range.
He or she will guide and practice the melody with each harmony in the choir backed up by our high quality background tracks with vocals.
Between the sessions all the songs and harmonies will be available for you through our innovative online player. You can access it on your pc,
tablet or your smartphone.
Pick a song, select a harmony, sing and learn. Play all harmonies except your own for a great learning/singing experience or listen to only
one harmony at a time.
Learn more

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